Friday, May 30, 2008

Okay,tagged by Andrina meimei :P

1) At what age do you wish to get married?
Around..15-30 :P

2) Study hard or play hard?

3) Who is the person you trust most?
I trust almost everyone.. DON'T CON ME OKAY! ><

4) Do you have enough confidence?
Oh hell yeah! :D

5) If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
I dont dream :P i pay attention in class okay! ^^

6) What is your idea of a friend?
Everyone is my friend!:D

7) What is your goal this year?
To not be conned by any of my friends! :X which i also everyone!!

8)What is the thing(s) you must have?
Obviously ... the .. u know.. xD

9) If you have all the time and money in the world, what would you do?

10) If time were to unwind, what would you want to change? birthday present :X i want a psp instead of a new hp x(

11) What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Just be a girl.. cos u know.. im not gay :D

12) What feelings you hate the most?
The feeling when u don't feel anything but u think u feel something.. but in real
fact.. ur not feeling anything..

13) Do you cherish all the friendship of yours?
Ah! Duhh!

14) Do you believe in Love at First Sight?
Love at first sight.. yeap (:

15) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

16) Who do you hope to be always behind you, supporting you?
My friends! which is also everyone! :X

17) What would you think when someone stare at you?
If its a girl.. then .. u know.. refer to (14). if its a guy..
he must be sick :X

18) Describe the person who tagged you in five words.
Pretty, friendly, smiley, mature & cheerful :D (i'll just leave it this way :D)

19) Do you deserved to be loved?

20) Would you like to have a PsP or a new handphone?

Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question.
Make it a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people.
List them at the end of the post.
Notify them at their CBOX that they've been tagged.
Whoever who does the tag will get a blessing from all. :D


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